Google Suite (G Suite), formerly known as Google Apps for Education (GAFE), is a “self-contained” cloud-based system, created for each unique school district that offers safe, reliable, monitored student and teacher interaction where the District has much greater control over data and security when compared to regular or personal Internet resources. For example, RUSD students and teachers gain 24/7 access from any Internet connected computer or device to powerful collaborative writing tools like Google Docs inside of the RUSD Google domain, while other features typically available to regular Google accounts like video chat, personal profiles and social networking have been restricted to teachers only.
To participate in G Suite, all students and parents must read and “Accept” the following policies using the online Aeries Parent Portal:
See Directions for Electronic Authorization of BYOD and/or G Suite below.
Facts about Google Apps for Education
How will Google Apps for Education enhance my child’s learning opportunities?
What should I be aware of?
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