The district has listened to students and their parents who shared that they would prefer students to use their own personal technology to assist with learning. Students are expected to connect to the filtered RUSD student wireless network to ensure safety and access to appropriate resources. Use of any personal device in the classroom is at the discretion of the teacher.
Today's students are already technology leaders. They want to take the technology they use in their daily lives and make it a normal part of their classroom experience. Research tells us that if we reflect this in their learning experiences, we will increase engagement which leads to improved student success.
There is no requirement in any curricular area for students to bring their own device to support their learning or to purchase special software. RUSD will continue to provide computers and laptops for student use in the classroom.
To participate in BYOD, all students and parents must read and “Accept” the following policies using the online Aeries Parent Portal:
See Directions for Electronic Authorization of BYOD and/or GAFE below.
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