Rescue Union School District

Educating for the Future, Together

Rescue Union School District is introducing the concept of “Growth Mindset” (based on the work of Stanford psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck) into our staff development for teachers.  We expect that this approach will have very positive effects on our students because “Growth Mindset” encourages a “can do” attitude and is based on rewarding the use of strategies, effort, resilience and persistence in the learning process, as opposed to the beliefs of the “fixed mindset”, where student success in learning is based on fixed talents and attributes that do not change over time.  Research from this work indicates decisively that all, not just “gifted” students can learn, grow and excel when given the right kind of support and encouragement. 
Growth Mindset (Failure is an opportunity to grow) vs Fixed Mindset (Failure is the limit of my abilities)