"The Rescue Union School District believes that all children can learn. To that end we provide a variety of supports and services to enable our students to be successful. "
The District offers a continuum of services in the Least Restrictive Environment to students who have been identified through the Individualized Education Program process as eligible for special education per federal and state legal criteria. All school sites house a special education program, which provides collaborative, consultative and pull out/direct instruction services based on needs and related goals per each eligible students' Individualized Education Plan. In addition to these programs, various related services, which include but are not limited to Speech, Adapted Physical Education and Occupational Therapy, are also provided via the IEP.
Student Support Services
2390 Bass Lake Road Rescue, CA 95672 Phone: (530) 672-4804 Fax: (530) 672-1889 Special Education Coordinator
Phone: (530)672-4811
Fax: (530)672-1889
Special Education Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)
Phone: (530)672-4832
Fax: (530)672-1889
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