Rescue Union School District

Educating for the Future, Together

"The Rescue Union School District believes that all children can learn.  To that end we provide a variety of supports and services to enable our students to be successful. "
The District offers a continuum of services in the Least Restrictive Environment to students who have been identified through the Individualized Education Program process as eligible for special education per federal and state legal criteria. All school sites house a special education program, which provides collaborative, consultative and pull out/direct instruction services based on needs and related goals per each eligible students' Individualized Education Plan. In addition to these programs, various related services, which include but are not limited to Speech, Adapted Physical Education and Occupational Therapy, are also provided via the IEP.
  Dustin Bailey
  Director of Special Education &
  Student Support Services
  2390 Bass Lake Road
  Rescue, CA 95672
  Phone: (530) 672-4804
  Fax: (530) 672-1889
  Kayla Warner
  Support Services Secretary
  Phone: (530) 672-4830
  Fax: (530) 672-1889
  Special Education Coordinator
  Phone: (530)672-4811
  Fax: (530)672-1889
  Special Education Teacher on Special           Assignment (TOSA)
  Phone: (530)672-4832
  Fax: (530)672-1889
More Information

More Information

Special Education Teachers:
All special education teachers are credentialed to serve both Resource Specialist Program and Special Day Class students, and receive on-going training in research-based methods of instruction. Using a variety of these instructional techniques, teachers provide students with support in order to expose them to the core curriculum. Students' goals and objectives are designed to align with state standards and progress is monitored frequently. To assist students in progressing towards their goals, special education staff use researched-based curriculum and materials.
School Psychologists:
School Psychologists are based at each school at least one day per week. In addition to conducting psycho-educational evaluations for special education students, the school psychologist is available to meet with parents and staff to provide strategies and support to address learning and behavioral needs.
Parents are a vital part of our special education program and a Community Advisory Committee, comprised mostly of parents of students with special needs, holds monthly meetings at the El Dorado County Office of Education. We do have a Board-approved parent representative but all parents are welcome to attend. Meetings are generally held on the third Monday of the month from 4:00-5:30 and babysitting is provided. For more information on CAC, please visit thEl Dorado County Special Education Local Plan Area website.
Nursing Services:
Each school has a credentialed and licensed school nurse on site at least one day a week. They provide a variety of health services including vision and hearing screenings, scoliosis screening, and monitoring of student medications.  Our nurses also provide CPR and First Aid training to staff members. In addition to the school nurse, each school also has a health aide who is on site daily
The 2024-2025 Local Plan

The 2024-2025 Local Plan

The El Dorado County SELPA is pleased to share the revised Local Plan for the 2024-2025 school year.
The purpose of the Local Plan is to:
  • Outline the special education policies/procedures and services that are offered throughout the SELPA.
  • To ensure access to special education and related services for all individuals with exceptional needs residing within the geographic areas served by the plan.
  • To comply with all Federal and State codes and statutes.
This year, Local Plan Section B: Governance and Administration, Section D: Annual Budget Plan, Section E: Annual Service Plan, and the Attachments are the only revised sections of the Local Plan. You can review the Local Plan at the following link:
Additional hard copies of the plans are available at the El Dorado County SELPA office.