CUPCCAA is a useful tool for the District as it raises informal quote thresholds, simplifies the informal quote process for small projects, reduces advertising costs, expedites the bidding processes, and increases the likelihood that the bids received will be from responsive, responsible contractors. CUPCCAA allows the District to have a less formal bid process, but with appropriate guidelines and checks and balances in place.
Utilizing CUPCCAA allows local agencies to perform public works projects as follows (updated with AB2192 limits 10-3-2024):
Under $75,000
Contracting for construction services would be exempt from bidding requirements; these projects would be performed by negotiated contract or by purchase order
The District may select a qualified contractor from the list for project without going through an informal or formal bid process
Projects over $75,000 and up to an estimated $220,000
Projects may be let to contract by the informal bidding procedures set forth by the California Public Contract Code.
Projects over $220,000
Contracts for Public Works Projects will be subject to formal bidding procedures.
California Assembly Bill (AB) 1565 went into effect on January 1, 2014. AB 1565 requires ALL General Contractors (Primes) and M/E/P Subcontractors that HOLD certain licenses to be prequalified, if the project expenditures values at $1 million or more and funded whole or in part with State Facility Bond funds. This applies to the following license numbers:
The District must receive applications at least ten (10) business days prior to the scheduled bid opening on any advertised project in order for the candidate to qualify for that project. Pre-qualification approval will remain valid for one (1) calendar year from the date of notice of qualification except as noted in the pre-qualification documents.
Please contact Philip Jones, Maintenance & Operations Coordinator, with any questions at (530) 672-4301.
The District will create and maintain a list of Registered Bidders for CUPCCAA projects for each year. Interested parties are invited to fill out the Rescue USD CUPCCAA Pre Qualification Application. Submittal and acceptance of this application will help ensure inclusion in upcoming bidding opportunities for public works projects up to an estimated $175,000.
The District has implemented the following 2-step registration process for contractors interested in being included on a qualified bidders list to perform public works construction and/or repair projects up to an estimated $220,000.
Step 1
Interested contractors will register with the District by filling out the Rescue USD CUPCCAA Pre Qualification Application. Each vendor needs to select at least one CUPCCAA Category, but may select any other Categories as appropriate
Step 2
Contractors will need to complete the Rescue USD CUPCCAA Pre Qualification Application by January 31st.
Questions may be directed to the Facilities Director,Brandon Page via emailor by phone at (530) 672-4300.