Effective September 2016, the Rescue Union School District will discontinue the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. This means we will no longer be administering the OLSAT test. This decision is based on two factors. First, this program no longer exists at the state level and is not funded. Secondly, the District believes we can meet the needs of all high achieving students in better ways. Our teachers will be using a variety of measures, including the results of the Smarter Balanced Assessment, District benchmark tests, as well as classroom performance to guide them in providing high quality, differentiated instruction for their students.
The Rescue Union School District believes that all children, including gifted and high achieving students, deserve to be appropriately challenged and provided with differentiated learning experiences that best meet their unique needs. Current research in “Growth Mindset” (Dr. Carol Dweck, Stanford University, 2006) indicates that labeling students based on “fixed attributes” can be detrimental to the learning process. Furthermore, we support the belief that all students should be afforded such differentiated and enriching experiences within the normal school day, as part of their educational experience. We will continue to ensure that our teachers are trained in differentiation strategies to meet the needs of all students. We encourage you to speak with your child’s teacher regarding his or her individual needs as well as opportunities for deeper learning and enrichment.
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