Rescue Union School District

Educating for the Future, Together

January 2024

Dear Rescue USD Community
As we start the new year I wanted to share some exciting Rescue USD news.  I am pleased to announce that the Solar Lease Project we have been working on for the past twelve months was approved by the Rescue USD school board recently. We are set to begin preliminary work on installing free-standing solar structures in all seven school site parking lots (similar to what you see at our local high schools). This endeavor was overwhelmingly supported by the community in our Spring 2023 survey, comes at no cost to the general fund, and promises significant and guaranteed savings over the next 25 years.  These savings will be strategically utilized for deferred maintenance and important facility improvements, which ultimately benefits our staff, students and community.
In the coming months we will be adding a section to our website (here) that provides project updates, the schematics for each site and a draft timelines for this project.  
Take care and here is to a great 2024.
Jim Shoemake
Rescue USD
March 2023
Dear Rescue USD Families,
Thank you to the hundreds of you that took our Rescue USD Solar Survey.  The results were extremely positive and we are proceeding with exploring the economic benefits of solar for Rescue USD.  Our energy consultant that is assisting us with vetting solar in Rescue USD has cast a statewide net looking for companies that can tackle the scope and timeline associated with a potential project.  We learned that in the process several local companies may not have been aware of our RFQ.  If you are a solar vendor or aware of a solar vendor that would be interested in viewing the RFP and timeline please direct them to:
For those interested, there will be a mandatory site walk on Friday March 3, 2023 at 12:00 pm starting at the Rescue USD District Office at 2390 Bass Lake Road, Recue, CA 95672.
Thank you for your time. 
Jim Shoemake
Rescue USD