Rescue Union School District

Educating for the Future, Together

In June of 2013 a new era of school finance in California was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. The new funding model is known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It reshapes school funding, with the promise of additional funding (trying to recapture the level of 2007-08), and squarely aimed to improve achievement for all students. LCFF, and its local accountability counterpart, the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) are anchored by the notion that California must do better for its underperforming students, who in fact make up a sizable portion of the state’s school-age population. The LCFF significantly changes the funding formula for school districts — more money is attached to students who are underperforming. The LCFF identifies three categories of students requiring greater resources: Student who qualify for free or reduced priced meals, Students who are English Learners, and Foster youth.
The additional need-based revenue to the Rescue Union School District will be minimal due to a low percentage of students in the above three categories. School districts must create a Local Control and Accountability Plan to spend the increased money. According to the projections used by Governor Brown to create the plan, school district funding will rise in increments over the next seven years.
Current LCAP

Current LCAPtitle

Archived LCAP Information

Archived LCAP Informationtitle