Rescue Union School District

Educating for the Future, Together

Board Of Trustees Meeting Highlights - June 11, 2019


We continue our efforts to communicate effectively and in a timely fashion with our families and staffs. We know not every parent, teacher, or staff member can attend our Board meetings, so we will provide a brief update after each Board meeting, sharing highlights and actions taken by the Board. As always, please let us know how to better serve and communicate with you! We want to be partners with you in the educational journey of the children entrusted to us.


Superintendent Report

Superintendent Olson reported we had a great end of the year with all the programs, promotions, concerts, plays, science and art fairs as well as many other important, special events. She thanked staff for their efforts through the incredibly busy spring, right up to the end!
She also recognized Brandon Page and Chuck Pearson for the transformation they made to the new SDC classrooms at Lake Forest and reported that the district office staff continues to work diligently to hire and process new staff for the upcoming year, as well as prepare for the big change in insurance carriers.  Everyone in the district works hard and is dedicated to our district students.
Mrs. Olson shared a little bit about the focus for 2019-2020 school year.  After soliciting input and feedback from students, teachers, classified staff, administrators, and parents, there are several key areas that came forward loud and clear from all stakeholder groups and have been incorporated into the LCAP as our road map for next year.
  • Administrators will go through the revised process developed by West Ed to analyze this year's state test data.  They will then take all teachers through the same process in the fall, guiding them to develop their goals and action plans for student achievement improvement.  They will focus on collaborating together to move to the next level of continuous improvement.
  • Kelly Rizzi will come work with a small group on August 2 to help us truly understand the WHY of restorative practices and restorative discipline.  She will provide training in some powerful strategies in restorative practices and also talk about how to foster resilience in our students.
  • October 14 Ms. Rizzi will return on our professional development day to train our entire staff (teachers, aides, yard supervisors, cafeteria workers, everyone in these key areas)
  • Matt McCue from the El Dorado County Office of Education will come to train our entire district in verbal de-escalation strategies on August 12.
  • RUSD will be in year 2 of PBIS training.  The second year is more specific and will provide methods and strategies to use with students to re-direct and help them self-regulate.
  • August 12 we will also be providing a menu of possible ideas for a Tiered approach to Self-Care.    We value our students and our families, but we must take care of ourselves if we expect to have energy and the ability to care effectively for our students.  Self-Care is critical!
Mrs. Olson went on to share that we are very excited that we are able to hire our own Behaviorist along with three behavior aides to provide support to teachers, aides, students, and classrooms with children who struggle with behavior and self-regulation.  Currently we contract out for a Behaviorist.  For the same amount we have spent on about 30 days of service, we will now have a full time position and three aides.  In addition, we have hired the Occupational Therapist and are seeking a Certified Occupational Therapist Aide (COTA), to provide far more service than we have in the past because we have had to contract with an outside agency, which is far more expensive.
Lastly, Superintendent Olson talked about taking a team through training at the county on Improvement Science, so we can take a close look at our systems, both academic and social emotional, conduct a root cause analysis and then create a subsequent action plan to address our weaker areas.  The training begins June 13-14 and then will also be held on July 15-16.

  • The Board approved Community Relations through Social Media Service Agreement for 2019-2020.

  • The Board approved:
    • May 21, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
    • May 28, 2019 Study Session Minutes
    • District Expenditure Warrants and Purchase Orders
    • Personnel Actions
    • Library Services MOU - RUSD and the El Dorado County Office of Education
    • Eagle Scout Project - Pleasant Grove Middle School
    • PTC Beautification Project at Jackson Elementary School
    • Contract:  Joint Food Services Director
    • Contract:  Sacramento Emergency Clean Air Transportation Program Grant (SECAT)
    • Contract:  Electric School Bus Purchase - San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Grant(SJVAPCD)
    • Donations
    NEXT MEETING: Regular Board Meeting, June 25, 2019